Periodic Table of Semantics - DRAFT

document element, html
tabular element,table
implies ARIA role table
interactive element,details
implies ARIA role group
sections element,section
implies ARIA role region
grouping element,hr
implies ARIA role separator
grouping element,dd
implies ARIA role definition
tabular element,caption
interactive element,summary
implies ARIA role button
section element,nav
implies ARIA role navigation
grouping element,pre
grouping element,figure
implies ARIA role figure
embedded element,map
forms element,optgroup
implies ARIA role group
tabular element,colgroup
interactive element,dialog
implies ARIA role dialog
section element,aside
implies ARIA role complimentary
grouping element,blockquote
grouping element,figcaption
text element,s
text element,rp
text element,sub
text element,bdo
embedded element,iframe
embedded element,area
implies ARIA role link
forms element,option
implies ARIA role option
tabular element,col
scripting element,script
section element,h1-h6
implies ARIA role heading
grouping element,ol
implies ARIA role list
grouping element,main
implies ARIA role main
text element,cite
text element,data
text element,sup
span element,span
embedded element,embed
forms element,form
implies ARIA role form
forms element,textarea
implies ARIA role textarea
tabular element,tbody
implies ARIA role rowgroup
scripting element,noscript
section element,hgroup
grouping element,ul
implies ARIA role list
grouping element,div
text element,q
text element,time
text element,i
text element,br
embedded element,object
label element,label
forms element,output
implies ARIA role status
tabular element,thead
implies ARIA role rowgroup
scripting element,template
section element,header
implies ARIA role banner
grouping element,menu
implies ARIA role menu
text element,a
implies ARIA role link
text element,dfn
text element,code
text element,b
text element,wbr
embedded element,param
forms element,input
forms element,progress
implies ARIA role progressbar
tfoot element,tfoot
implies ARIA role rowgroup
scripting element,slot
section element,body
implies ARIA role document
section element,footer
implies ARIA role contentinfo
grouping element,li
text element,em
text element,abbr
text element,var
text element,u
embedded element,picture
embedded element,video
forms element,button
implies ARIA role button
forms element,meter
tabular element,tr
scripting element,canvas
section element,article
implies ARIA role article
section element,address
grouping element,dl
implies ARIA role list
text element,strong
text element,ruby
text element,samp
text element,mark
embedded element,source
embedded element,audio
forms element,select
implies ARIA role combobox
forms element,fieldset
tabular element,td
implies ARIA role cell
edit element,ins
section element,section
implies ARIA role region
grouping element,p
grouping element,dt
implies ARIA role listitem
text element,small
text element,rt
text element,kbd
text element,bdi
embedded element,img
implies ARIA role img
embedded element,track
forms element,datalist
implies ARIA role listbox
forms element,legend
tabular element,th
implies ARIA role column/ rowheader
edit element,del

Input Types

States of the input type attribute

forms element,button
implies ARIA role button
forms element,number
implies ARIA role spinbutton
forms element,password
forms element,radio
implies ARIA role radio
forms element,month
forms element,week
forms element,checkbox
implies ARIA role checkbox
forms element,color
forms element,date
forms element,datetime
forms element,email
implies ARIA role textbox
forms element,file
forms element,hidden
forms element,image
implies ARIA role button
forms element,range
implies ARIA role slider
forms element,reset
implies ARIA role button
forms element,search
implies ARIA role searchbox
forms element,submit
implies ARIA role button
forms element,tel
implies ARIA role textbox
forms element,text
implies ARIA role textbox
forms element,time
forms element,url
  1. If type="[text, search, tel, url, email]" used with the list attribute then role="combobox" is implied.

Additional ARIA 1.1 roles

widget role,gridcell
widget role,menuitem
widget role,tabpanel
widget role,tooltip
widget role,menuitemcheckbox
widget role,treetem
widget role,treegrid
widget role,none
widget role,alert
widget role,menuitemradio
widget role,grid
widget role,application
widget role,note
widget role,log
widget role,scrollbar
widget role,menubar
widget role,directory
widget role,presentation
widget role,marquee
widget role,switch
widget role,radiogroup
widget role,feed
widget role,term
widget role,timer
widget role,tab
widget role,tablist
widget role,math
widget role,toolbar
widget role,alertdialog